

On January 5, 2024, Julian was invited to appear on Good Morning American, for their new Ray of Sunshine series. The series highlights people who offer a ray of sunshine, in his case highlighting his fundraising for animal rescue and other causes.

Julian was invited to make his signature hot chocolate for hosts Sam and Michael, and was then treated to a great surprise!


When in August 2023 the Maui wildfire disaster destroyed Julian’s friend’s Ryan childhood home and killed his uncle, Julian decided to have a lemonade stand fundraiser to help Ryan and the other people and animals impacted by the fires back on their feet.

After the lemonade stand he continued the fundraiser on GoFundMe and has currently reached over $12,000.

This story made it in various news and media outlets, like People Magazine and Channel 7 ABC News.


When in August 2023 the Maui wildfire disaster destroyed Julian’s friend’s Ryan childhood home and killed his uncle, Julian decided to have a lemonade stand fundraiser to help Ryan and the other people and animals impacted by the fires back on their feet.

After the lemonade stand he continued the fundraiser on GoFundMe and has currently reached over $12,000.

This story made it in various news and media outlets, like People Magazine and Channel 7 ABC News.


One of Julian’s favorite press experiences was being interviewed by Kid Reporter Ben Stern for the very first Time for Kids “Kid of the Week” feature.

Ben and Julian met on Zoom. Ben asked questions. Julian answered. And a few weeks later, the article appeared in Time for Kids magazines across American classrooms and released on their website.


After Julian’s lemonade stand got robbed, the news spread across the media and Best Friends Animal Society CEO Julie Castle got wind of what had happened. Seeing that Julian’s profits were intended to go to Best Friends, she wanted to provide comfort and support and invited Julian to visit her and the animals at the Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Kanab, Utah. Here is a little local ABC segment showing clips of his visit.

And here are a few more local publications:

Cedar City / St. George News: ‘A dream’: 8-year-old entrepreneur visits Kanab’s Best Friends Animal Sanctuary after lemonade stand robbery

Best Friends Animal Society Magazine: Young entrepreneur brings generosity to adoptable pets


A radio interview with host Brigitte Quinn about his Maui Wildfire Fundraiser.


Julian’s very first media appearance was in our local neighborhood blog called ILoveTheUpperWestSide. It’s a profile about Julian and his business ventures.

Upper West Side Entrepreneur is 8 Years Old